1. What are the delivery charges?

There is Dhs. 30 Delivery Charges on every item.

2. When can I expect to receive my order?

It takes around 8-10 working days to craft and deliver your parcel.

3. What if, I need to modify my order?

You can modify your order at any time before receiving a confirmation call from our sales team. Once your order is confirmed, it cannot be modified.


4. Is the cash-on-delivery method applicable on customized orders?

Cash on delivery payment method is available for all products except for customized orders. For custom orders, a partial prepayment is required.

5. how can I make a prepayment for a custom order?

You will receive a call from our representative once you place your order. Accounts details will then be communicated.

6. Can I exchange my artwork?

We don’t have a return/exchange policy. We only have a replacement policy in case of damaged shipment(s).

7. What should I do if I receive damaged artwork?

If you receive damaged artwork please WhatsApp us at +971 567088199 with photos of the item AND photos of the box it arrived in, and we will gladly send you a replacement, at no additional cost.

8. What should I do if I receive the wrong artwork?

WhatsApp us your order details and a picture of the artwork you received. We will deliver the correct artwork and collect the wrong one.